7:00 p.m. Monday, February 16th
Southwest Church of Christ
8900 Manchaca Rd.
(Rear Entrance)


Oak Wilt is still a problem in our area. Several trees have been victims recently. Here is your chance to learn more about Oak Wilt and the City of Austin’s role in dealing with this problem.

Mr. Chris Dolan, Austin's Oak Wilt Program Specialist, has agreed to speak at our February meeting. He is familiar with Oak Wilt problems in our area. He recently visited Rustic Oak Lane, where a large oak (in the city right-of-way) died of Oak Wilt. Our area has periodic outbreaks of Oak Wilt. Some of our people are not sure how the city of Austin can and does help homeowners. Also, some policies of the City have changed over the years. Mr. Dolan can answer these and other questions about this menace to many of the beautiful trees in our area. He will bring an overhead photographic map of our area, with Oak Wilt problems depicted. Anyone worried about the spread of the disease should plan to attend.

2 /18/09—Pluto Day


February —National Bird Feeding Month



It is time to show your support for the Castlewood—Oak Valley Neighborhood Association. Click on Membership Form for a printable form. According to the by-laws, dues shall be payable at or before the February meeting of each calendar year. To guarantee inclusion in the Membership Roster, dues must be in by the end of February.


Floyd Clark (temporary)
Dan Anderson
Hal Ferguson
Doug Tabony
Doug DuBois
Floyd Clark
Vice President (282-8245)
Secretary (282-1932)
Treasurer (282-0601)
Newsletter (280-4080)
ANC Delegate (292-9323)
Past President (282-8245)

To join the COVNA Email List, click below and
send an email with your name(s) to Doug at

Now 100+ households strong!

Find out the latest neighborhood news and developments.
Receive recommendations for service providers.


February 16th
April 20th
June Picnic—(TBA)
September 21st
November 16th
Dec Party—(TBA)


COVNA still has no President or Vice-President. If willing to serve, contact any officer listed above. Only a relatively few members have been doing the work to keep COVNA the neighborhood we know and cherish.

Maybe it is your time to step up and serve. The task is not onerous. There are only four business meetings and two parties and much support available from active, experienced members.


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Advertise in the COVNA Newsletter
Only $10.00/month. Reaches over 400 homes & Online at COVNA.org
Email Doug Tabony at: tabonyproductions@austin.rr.com


Steve Quiring, a professor in the Department of Geography at Texas A&M who specializes in Texas weather patterns, says 88 percent of Texas is experiencing abnormally dry conditions and 18 percent of the state is in either extreme or exceptional drought conditions. “The current drought is reaching historic proportion. Dry conditions near Austin and San Antonio have been exceeded only once before in Texas – the drought of 1917-18. The bad news is that both short and long-term forecasts don’t call for much rain at all.”

Boat docks on Travis will soon be unusable. Barton Springs is at critical drought status.

Water for farming, urban uses, and recreation from the lakes and Edwards Aquifer are at risk. It is time for serious conservation.

•Replace older toilets with low-flow models to save up to 50%.
•Install water-saving showerheads that use 2.5 gallons per minute or less.
•Use a grease pencil to mark the water level of your pool at the skimmer. Check mark 24 hours later. Your pool should lose no more than 1/4 inch each day. Cover when not in use.
•Fill your pool a few inches lower than usual.
•Use sprinklers that throw big drops of water close to the ground. Smaller drops of water and mist often evaporate before they hit the ground.
•When washing dishes by hand, use a sink full of soapy water -- don't let the water run.
•Water lawns during the early morning when temperatures and wind speed are the lowest. This reduces evaporation and waste.
•Fix toilet leaks. Plumbing leaks as a whole account for 14 percent of water consumed in the home, according to a study sponsored by the American Water Works Association.
•Mow grass frequently enough so that no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade is removed at one time. Mow when the grass is dry to prevent spread of turf diseases. Adjust your lawnmower to cut grass to a height of 3 inches or more. Taller grass encourages deeper roots and shades the soil to reduce moisture loss. Sharpen mower blades regularly; sharp blades do less damage to grass. Do not bag your grass clippings unless disease is present. Use a mulching mower if possible Do not blow clippings into a storm drain.

On a brighter note the Edwards Aquifer Conservation District holds an essay contest each year for juniors and seniors, the award being a $1,500 college scholarship and a contest for 9-15 year-olds, the award being a number of scholarships to Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center's week-long or 2-day Aquatic Science Adventure Camp . Information can be found at: www.bseacd.org/scholarship_program.htm

Johnny G’s Butcher Block


Specializing in
Fresh Choice Beef, Pork, Sausage, Jerky
Wild Game Processing
Tanglewood Business Park
11600 Manchaca Rd Ste H
Austin, TX 78748

Grover Swift
Jill Peevy Swift



It started with a friend bringing over a second-hand bird feeder. My wife and I have been relatively avid birders but had never put out anything but a hummingbird feeder. The new feeder sat unused for months. One day I looked out and saw a handsome pair of House Finches. Since then we have replaced the original feeder with a tube feeder in a cage and a plastic ball feeder for clinging birds. This fall and winter we have been seeing House Finches, American or Lesser Goldfinches, Tufted Titmice, Black-capped Chickadees, Bewick’s Wrens, Golden-fronted and Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Blue Jays, a Golden-crowned Warbler, and the occasional House Sparrow on the feeders. It’s a pleasure to watch them, especially since I now spend so much time at home. Even though it’s not the season, I’m thinking of hanging the hummingbird feeder with just water for the small birds. All this and I discovered it is National Bird Feeding month.

House Finch (male & female)

American Goldfich (winter)

Tufted Titmouse
Click pictures to enlarge

Black-capped Chickadee

Bewick's Wren

Golden-fronted Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Orange-crowned Warbler


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