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GARAGE SALE Sell and/or search
for treasures at the various garage sales **Remember to vote
in the April 13th Primary Runoff** |
VERY LAST CHANCE I was very disappointed to find out several weeks
ago that 41 less households than last year had sent in dues. I delayed
the Membership Directory and sent out a post on the Email List expressing
shock and disappointment in this precipitous drop. A dozen or so responded.
For those of you who are not on the List please realize that no other
organization represents the needs and concerns of the area where you
and I live like COVNA. If you act quickly, you may still join or renew
your COVNA membership and be included in the neighborhood directory.
Dues are only $10 per year per household. An organization that provides
a monthly newsletter, a helpful email list, 2 free parties, and most
importantly, a strong voice in preserving our neighborhood's integrity
is worth supporting. If you have not joined this year, please consider
doing so now. Click here to print the
form and send it or take it to Hal's this week. |
join the COVNA Email List, click below and Find out the latest neighborhood news and
developments. |
Advertise in the COVNA Newsletter Only $10.00/month. Reaches over 400 homes & Online at COVNA.org Email Hal Ferguson at: hferguson3@yahoo.com |
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NEIGHBORHOOD-WIDE GARAGE SALE On Saturday, April 17th from 8 AM until 3 PM, Castlewood Forest and Oak Valley neighborhoods are having our First Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale. Two weeks ago you should have received a flier under your front doormat with details. One more good reason to join COVNA: A portion of your COVNA dues are paying for ads in both the Austin American Statesman (April 16 and 17) and the Austin Chronicle (weeks of April 9 & 16). Signs are now at the entrances to our neighborhoods. Larger ones will be placed next week on Brodie, Slaughter, Manchaca and Davis, with additional arrow lead-ins where necessary. We will also have an ad on Craigslist.com which is free. If you know of other places where you think we should advertise, please let us know. To keep COVNA costs down this first year we will not be placing signs at each intersection in our two neighborhoods. If there is not a "lead-in" sign to your street, feel free to add one, such as at the 3 dead-ends off Oak Ledge and the entrances to Mosswood and Crownspoint Circles. Each household is responsible for their own garage sale. You may place a sign at the street in front of your house if you like. In preparation, start tagging items for sale several days in advance. It takes more time than you might think. Consider organizing your items. Place all the toys together in one box or area marked and labeled. Don't put a ten cent price tag on anything. Low price tags are a poor use of your time. Instead, set up a quarter table and a dollar table with the price category displayed. A word of warning, the little 3/4" round colored stickers can be easily removed and placed on a more expensive item. But take time to mark your items for the garage sale. Many buyers loose interest if you don't have the items marked and marked clearly. You can sell any of your personal items with the exception of ones such as firearms, illegal items like pirated videos and CDs, drugs, or hazardous chemicals. Caution: Items should not have been bought to resell at the garage sale, as this is considered "for profit" and the state can require you to file sales tax. Things like homemade lemonade are an exception. Have plenty of cash in small bills and coins as you won't have time during the sale to get more but be sure to keep them out of sight. You will want tables on which to sell items and chairs so you can sit between customers. Consider moving as many of your own cars as possible into your garage or even out of the neighborhood. If the sale is as good as we're hoping, there will be zero parking. If twenty homeowners park elsewhere, it will make a great difference. Your trash can be another man's treasure and vice versa. If you have something in your garage sale items that your neighbor likes, you may want to barter for an item in your neighbor's garage sale items. Before putting out items in your garage sale you want every item to look its best. Consider cleaning and fixing the item you want to sell. Go to stores to see what something costs new and price it less than half that...if it's in good condition. Make a stand with free items labeled with “free” in large letters to attract many buyers and passersby. And finally, but most importantly, during the garage sale keep all entrances into your house locked including those from your garage. Close your garage door if you're not selling things inside it. It is real common for a thief to go into your house and steal things while you are outside because they know you are busy and won't notice them. You can go on the internet to www.google.com and enter "Neighborhood Garage Sale" for more ideas. |
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CANCER STUDY I’m sure all of us have friends and loved ones who have been affected by cancer. Here is a chance for you to make a real difference in the battle against this dreaded disease. The following is from Karen Moody who works with my wife, Laura. This year, Relay For Life at West lake has been selected as an enrollment site for American Cancer Society’s third cancer prevention study 3 (CPS-3). Researchers will follow CPS3 participants over the next 20-30 years and will look at the combination of lifestyle, genetic and environmental factors and how they impact cancer occurrence. My hope is that this study will eliminate cancer as a major health concern. If you are between the ages of 30 and 65, have never been diagnosed with cancer and are willing to make a long term commitment, you can be a part of this historic study. Consider enrolling in the study as your way to fight back against a disease that has taken so much from so many. Study participation has two phases. 1) Enroll at Relay For Life Westlake, Saturday May 1st at Westlake Chap stadium 6:30pm to 10:30pm. At the Relay you will complete a short survey and give a waist measurement and a sample of blood. 2) Complete a 45 minute survey every 2-3 years for 20 years. If you are not eligible to enroll, please be an advocate for CPS-3. Encourage those close to you to take part in this potentially life-saving study in your honor. Spread the word to everyone you know. We are fortunate to have this opportunity to fight back against cancer in our own backyard for this year only. I would love the opportunity to talk with you in person about how you can personally be involved in research today for a cancer free tomorrow. Please feel free to email me at cps3westlake@gmail.com or call 512-657-0753. For more information about the study please visit www.cancer.org/cps3 or call toll free 888-604-5888. Karen Moody |
BIRDS AGAIN!? The other day it was raining birds. As if blown by a strong wind they were streaking diagonally across the yard. It was a strange rain in that it both fell and rose again. It turned out that Cedar Waxwings were flying from tree branches to the bird bath and back. I have never seen as many Waxwings any other year. You don't even have to see them to know they're around. They produce a high trilling sound when a group of them fly. Recently, while rolling down the sidewalk by Brackenridge, I noticed a swarm of them, at least 50, churning among the trees. Many of them were flying to a small stand of Yaupons full of red berries and a single Mockingbird. The Waxwings were gobbling the berries and the frantic Mockingbird was trying to figure out how to chase them away. Several days later I noticed the Yaupons were completely stripped. The morning I saw the Waxwings in our backyard was a very "birdy" day. In the short time I watched, House Finches, Chickadees, and Titmice took breakfast at our feeders. Then I noticed a small, striped-headed sparrow hopping on the sidewalk under the feeders pecking at fallen seed. It's rare to see a native sparrow in our neighborhood. Of course there are many House Sparrows. It had been a long time since I'd seen this particular species so I had to turn to our Texas bird "bible", the Peterson Field Guide. It turned out to be a Chipping Sparrow. I had just recently remarked that I had not seen any woodpeckers at our feeder in a long time. Just to prove me wrong a Red-bellied Woodpecker flew up. White-winged Doves were flying in the distance and I noticed the shadow of a vulture sweep across the yard. These denizens of nature are a joy to watch even in the artificial environment we have created. Isn't our neighborhood beautiful in the spring! |
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