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PROGAM NOTES Dominic Chavez, former COVNA president and recent candidate for City Council will discuss the details of and answer questions you may have about Proposition 3 (see below). For 40 years, more than half of city council and 15 of 17 mayors have lived within 4 zip codes that represent only 10% of Austin’s population. On November 6th, Austin voters can vote for Proposition 3 which creates 10 neighborhood districts with a mayor elected at-large, and a citizens commission to draw the district lines! More than 30,000 voters signed a petition for Proposition 3. It’s supported by 28 organizations; the Austin Neighborhoods Council, the League of Women Voters, the Firefighters, Austin Police Association and leaders of all political parties. For more information, visit www.trustaustin.org and remember to vote on November 6th. |
Because Dean Heddin has moved, COVNA has no President. If willing to serve, contact any COVNA officer. Only a relatively few members have been doing the work to keep COVNA the neighborhood we know and cherish. Maybe it is your time to step up and serve. The task is not onerous. There are only three business meetings and three parties and much support available from active, experienced members. |
join the COVNA Email List, click below and Find out the latest neighborhood news and
developments. |
Advertise in the COVNA Newsletter Only $10.00/month. Reaches over 400 homes & Online at COVNA.org Email Hal Ferguson at: hferguson3@yahoo.com |
VICE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Howdy Neighbors, There has been a lot of movement in the neighborhood lately, including some excellent prices on recently sold houses. That's always a great sign, and I am sure many of you are pleased to know that. We recently refinanced our house and were not happy with the automatic appraisal that was assigned to our home. Our mortgage broker suggested we pay the money to get it formally appraised, and when that number came back it was increased by almost 70,000 dollars. So if you are thinking of refinancing, it might be worth the investment to have it appraised.The person we worked with was excellent, so get in touch with me directly if you would like a referral. The COVNA email list is a great way to share good and bad experiences with vendors. We often get questions from neighbors asking about home repairs, tree services, etc, but don't wait until you are asked, feel free to jump on the email list or the COVNA Facebook page to share your experiences, be they bad or good. Rather than the website called "Angie's List" it can be the COVNA list. In regards to the COVNA email list, we had some back and forth a few weeks back regarding a woman who was going around asking for money. Many of your voices were heard loud and clear, and that is precisely what this email list is for. I think it’s important to have that open and quick way of getting information out to the neighborhood. While some of you were bothered and I can understand that, I ask you to simply hit "delete" on those emails. However I would urge people to stay on this list, as one neighbor pointed out his house was robbed after a person came by a week earlier asking if he needed any work done around his house. If you would like to take part in the Neighborhood Watch program, please contact me directly for the information and class schedule hosted by the Austin Police Department. It’s another election year and so fitting with our own elections. For those of you who do not know, our former President, Dean Heddin, moved out of the neighborhood. While we were sad to see him and his family go, Dean left some great ideas that were just getting started like "yard of the month" and a welcome care package to those families who have recently moved to COVNA. If you are new to the neighborhood, please contact me directly, and I will be happy to bring your "welcome to the neighborhood" care package. With many of you who are active on the email list, or those just getting to know your neighbors I ask you to please throw your hat in the ring and run for President. It might be the easiest job for a President title! If you have ideas, or just want to add the title to your resume, please consider running for President. The next COVNA meeting is on September 17th, if you are new to COVNA, please stop by and say hello, hey YOU could be the next President! And perhaps the best news of all, the temperature actually dipped below 90 degrees, Happy Fall Y'all! Jennifer |
SMALL MOSQUITOES It's the worst year ever for West Nile virus in Texas, which has seen about half of the country's deaths from the illness this year, health officials said September 5th. At least 43 people have died from the virus in Texas, and the state has recorded at least 510 cases of neuroinvasive West Nile, considered the most serious form of the illness because it affects the nervous system, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas has also recorded 530 non-neuroinvasive cases this year for a total of 1,040 cases. Officials say the numbers are expected to increase through mid-October. They say there are indications that August marked the peak, especially in the hard-hit North Texas area that includes Dallas and Fort Worth. But since symptoms can take two weeks to appear, reporting cases lags behind when people became infected. "Transmission is contingent on mosquitoes," Texas Department of State Health Services Commissioner Dr. David Lakey said. "The more you have, the greater likelihood of an outbreak." Mosquitoes get the virus from feeding on infected birds and then spread the virus to people they bite. The health department says symptoms of West Nile Virus include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, vision loss, numbness and paralysis. These symptoms may last from a few days to several weeks and neurological effects may be permanent. Three people have died from West Nile virus in Travis County. According to the health department, there are 56 confirmed human cases of West Nile Virus in Travis County including the three deaths. Of those 56 human cases, only 26 percent used insect repellent. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that people over 50 are more likely to develop serious symptoms of if they do get sick and should take special care to avoid mosquito bites. The health department encourages Travis County residents to do their part to get rid of any standing water. To report a mosquito problem contact the HHSD Rodent and Vector Control program at 978-0370 or e-mail: echu.service@austintexas.gov. They also encourage everyone to abide by the Four D's: Dusk and Dawn: Stay indoors during dusk and dawn. That’s the time when mosquitoes likely to carry the infection are most active. Dress: Wear pants and long sleeves when you are outside, especially in mosquito-infested areas. DEET: Apply insect repellent that contains DEET. Repellants with picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus are also effective. Read and follow label instructions. Spray both exposed skin and clothing with repellent. Drain: Get rid of standing water in your yard and neighborhood. Old tires, flowerpots, clogged rain gutters leaky pipes and faucets, birdbaths and wading pools can be breeding sites for mosquitoes. Besides the threat of West Nile, mosquitoes transmit other diseases and are a general nuisance so discouraging mosquito breeding is always a good idea.
CHANGES TO WATER CONSERVATION CODE The city has changed the guidelines for watering. We are currently under Stage 2 watering restrictions. • Automatic irrigation systems may operate between midnight and 5 a.m. and between 7 p.m. and midnight on your assigned watering day (still Saturday for odd and Sunday for even numbered addresses). Please ensure that your system has a working rain sensor, or operate the system manually when rain is forecasted. • Hose-end irrigation may take place between midnight and 10 a.m. and between 7 p.m. and midnight on your assigned watering day (now Wendnesday for odd and Thursday for even numbered addresses). • Watering with a hand-held hose or refillable containers is allowed at any time on any day of the week. Refillable containers include buckets, Treegators® and other similar watering vessels. Treegators are PVC bags that wrap around small tree trunks which provide a continuous water supply directly to your trees. • Watering vegetable gardens and trees with a soaker hose or soaker tape is allowed at any time on any day. For tree watering, the soaker hose must be placed within the drip line of the tree. Automatic tree bubblers are also allowed at any time on any day. |