Happy Holidays COVNA neighbors. Here is wishing everyone
a Holly Jolly Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year. With luck,
I'll be able to personally delivery these sentiments to many of you
during our 2004 Holiday Party, Monday, December 20th. There is more
in the newsletter about this event, so I won't pile it on...but you
can pile on the eats and sweets if you attend.
Besides the festivities, we will have a short business meeting when
we will elect two officers - one to serve as Vice-President, and one
to serve as Secretary. Barbara Klein has accepted the nomination for
Vice-President and Melanie Malewitz has agreed to serve another term
as Secretary. Barbara and her husband Dwayne are relatively new to the
neighborhood, but have been very involved with the monthly meetings.
We are happy to have some new blood added to the Executive Committee.
But there is a lot to be said for experienced blood and we appreciate
the job Melanie has done for many years now as Secretary and we appreciate
her willingness to continue serving the neighborhood.
Shifting gears a little, I need to report on a topic addressed at the
Commander's Forum, Wednesday night. The main topic of concern was identity
theft. The perpetrators are working in teams of 3 - 4 individuals, spotting
a woman shopping by herself in a grocery store or discount store. One
person comes up to innocently distract her while an accomplice steals
her wallet out of her purse, or steals her purse out of the shopping
cart. Within 30 minutes of the theft, thousands of dollars may be charged
to credit cards in the form of gift cards, rather than merchandise.
Prevention steps...secure your purse to your shopping cart, or carry
on your body so it cannot be stolen. Be aware of "innocent"
looking folks seeking assistance. If you are a victim, immediately call
9-1-1 and file a report. Also, to prevent auto break-ins, don't leave
your wallet, purse, or any valuables in your autos to invite break-ins.
We have experienced a higher number than usual lately, with an arrest
being made on Comburg Castleway. At this time of the year, some people
will go to desperate measures to have a merry Christmas, making someone
else's miserable.
Help Make the Holidays Bright
for a Family in Need
At our November meeting we voted to adopt a family in need this holiday
season. We requested a name from the Christmas Bureau. For more information
about this program see their website at:
Our family has 6 members. The mother is temporarily unemployed due to
a medical condition. She has her 4 children and a grandson living with
her. Her oldest daughter is helping to care for her.
We would like to provide food items and a new gift for each family member.
Any other household or personal items that are new or very gently used
would be appreciated including family games and activities, clothing,
and non-perishable staple items such as flour, sugar, canned goods, cleaning,
toiletries, and paper products
Jo contacted the family to ask about their needs and wishes. Amanda indicated
that they would like any foods including a ham. Special needs for the
household include blankets, pots, and dishes. They have an artificial
tree and ornaments from previous years. Amanda is working on her GED,
and would be very interested in getting a used computer.

Please bring items to 2403 Vassal (Jo & Doug Tabony's). Doug will
keep a list posted on the web site of contributions as they are collected,
or you can call us at 280-4080 to see what is still needed. The deadline
for contributing items will be at the COVNA Holiday Party, December 20th
where we will “wrap it up” and decide, if needed, whether
COVNA will contribute funds. Monetary gifts will be used to purchase food
and items that are still needed. We will need gift wrapping items and
volunteers to wrap presents at the party. Everything will be delivered
to the family on the 21st or 22nd.