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HOLIDAY PARTY Holiday Party—Election of OFFICERS December brings our Annual Holiday Party. We invite everyone, whether members or not, to come and join us for food and fellowship plus a little business. COVNA will provide the food and beverages, we just ask you to bring lots of Holiday Cheer. Potluck dishes and homemade desserts are always welcome. There has been a keen interest shown in the early history of Castlewood Forest and Oak Valley and the inception of our neighborhood association. We invite those lucky enough to be neighborhood “old timers” to share their experiences with those of us who found this great neighborhood more recently.
2011 MEMBERSHIP It is time to show your support for the Castlewood—Oak Valley Neighborhood Association. A membership form is on the inside of the hard copy newsletter. You can print a membership form by clicking here. According to the by-laws, dues shall be payable at or before the second meeting of each calendar year. |
join the COVNA Email List, click below and Find out the latest neighborhood news and
developments. |
Advertise in the COVNA Newsletter Only $10.00/month. Reaches over 400 homes & Online at COVNA.org Email Hal Ferguson at: hferguson3@yahoo.com |
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE It's that time of year again—time to join your neighbors and friends and share the joy of the holiday season. Our annual party is scheduled for Monday, December 13th at 7:00 pm. The Southwest Church of Christ will graciously host us in their cafeteria. The association will provide finger foods, deserts, and beverages. Additional holiday treats are always welcome, but it is your attendance that is most desired. Election of officers and any necessary issues will be addressed in a short business meeting. According to the By-Laws, Vice President, Treasurer, and Delegate to NC are up for election this year. This year we plan to highlight neighborhood history at the party. If you are an original or long-time COVNA home owner, please come and share stories about moving into the neighborhood and the early years. Please bring pictures of the old neighborhood if you have them. We hope this will provide an opportunity for newer members of the neighborhood to learn more about our past and to make connections between older and newer generations of COVNA home owners. Did you know that Priscilla Presley's half-brother used to live in COVNA? Who knows...you might learn something interesting about your house. |
CREDIT DELIVERED Those who take the time and effort ten times a year to deliver the COVNA newsletter door-to-door deserve our thanks. If you catch one in the act, thank them personally. A tip of the hat to those who deliver. Lita Rosario A special thanks to James & Kris Starr for counting out and distributing the bundles to the walkers. |
CHRISTMAS TREE • 30-35 million real Christmas trees are sold
in the U.S. every year. In America, Christmas Trees were introduced into several pockets - the German Hessian Soldiers took their tree customs in the 18th century. In Texas, Cattle Barons from Britain took their customs in the 19th century, and the East Coast Society copied the English Court tree customs. Settlers from all over Europe brought their customs in the 19th century. Decorations were not easy to find in the shanty towns of the West, and people began to make their own decorations. Tin was pierced to create lights and lanterns to hold candles which could shine through the holes. Decorations of all kinds were cut out, stitched and glued. The General Stores were hunting grounds for old magazines with pictures, rolls of Cotton Batting (Cotton Wool), and tinsel, which was occasionally sent from Germany or brought in from the Eastern States. |
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